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kotak assured savings plan

Protecting your future is the first step.

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Kotak premier money back plan

Lumpsum pay outs at regular intravels

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Kotak Ace Investment

Golden Plan for Wealth creation !

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Kotak Secure Return Employee Benefit Plan

Group Gratuity / Leave Encahment Plan

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Kotak Credit Term Group Plan

A Life Cover to group of Borrowers of credit institutions

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Kotak Group Shield

Group Credit level insurance plan

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Claims Guide lines

A customer Support intiative

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Kotak Superannuation Group Plan - II

A UNIT Linked Superannuation plan.

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Kotak Headstart Child Assure

Build a corpus for child education

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Kotak Life Time Income plan

An Annuity Plan

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what is ULIP

ULIP siutable for all

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Early You Start...

More you Reap !!

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